Pepsi rape underground posters are for "Bape" Aape brand, not rape.

In between holding his sides, laughing and wheezing, our adgrunt tipster tells us that he spotted this Pepsi & Aaape, a sub brand of Bape (A Bathing Ape), posted in an underground tunnel on his way to work and that "this is an example of myopic brand police".

Yes, why would they choose to write "Aape" in the "Pepsi" typeface when it so resembles the word "rape"? Pepsi x Rape? Is this some sort of pre-roofied soda?

I can't help but wonder if the art person working on this just threw his hands in the air at some point during the fiftyseventh revision and said "Feckit! Client asked for "our font", client gets "our font"!", then laughed manically as his sleep-deprived eyes twitched while he casually spelled doom for this poster with a few swift wacom-tablet moves. He then slept on it, and mailed me the photo. Maybe.

Like the Dr Pepper "I ❤ DP" t-shirts this just might go viral.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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AntDude's picture

I thought that said RAPE!

Japh's picture

I think you mean "Aape", not "Bape".

Terrible ad though! If only they'd just gone with the actual Aape font (which they *did* use on the cans!)

Japh's picture

Forget I spoke, I'm an idiot. Sorry!

Dabitch's picture

No worries, the Aape sub-brand had me confused as well. Also, why aren't people reading RRPE? Does the fact that this was made in Hong Kong have anythint to do with it, ie perhaps the RAPE wasn't spotted because both client and designer grew up with logograms?