Peter Max paints panty hose for Burlington-Cameo - print, 1970

Peter Max is a German-American artist. He was all the rage in the 1960s, particularly known for psychedelic art and pop art, and his intense palette. I have no idea how Burlington managed to get Peter Max to paint on pantyhose, but it's rad man. 

Peter Max paints panty hose for Burlington-Cameo

They come in three proportioned-to-fit sizes, $8.00 each. body stockings, too. one size only, in 2 peter max original designs [not shown], cost $10.00 each. buy the panty hoes or body stockings and you get a coupon for a peter max poster. [it's a copy of this page blown up to poster size 24'x36'.] send us the coupon you'll find in the package and one dollar to cover handling and postage. we'll send you the poster. who knows, your room might even look as good as your legs.

Client: Burlington

Principal Artist: Peter Max 

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