Quiksilver launches line for women, showcasing 6 women on website

“We believed the Quiksilver brand and its values would resonate with a group of women, so the line was created in that spirit,” said Greg Macias, VP of Marketing, Quiksilver. “72andSunny’s research supported that assumption, and also found that young women were looking for something more than was already in the market.” “Our job was to help frame the opportunity. In our research it became apparent that there was an opportunity to create a line for women just out of college who are figuring out what they want to do and who they want to be,” said John Boiler, Co-Founder, 72andSunny. “Our purpose was to inspire not only the apparel Quiksilver was going to design for this journey, but create a brand idea that celebrates the experience of defining yourself in the world as an intelligent, creative, independent woman.”

With us so far? Lets translate, Quicksilver makes clothes for the out-of-college but not yet a soccer-mom girl and to launch it they created a site - https://womens.quiksilver.com/ where six women - a fashion blogger, an artist, a bicycling activist, an architect, an automotive designer and a musician - showcase the clothes as well as their journey to becoming, youknow, women. (check under "SiteLA" to see them and their stories.)

“The idea to feature the women of SiteLA is great because they are radiant, talented, creative and fun,” said Natas Kaupas, Global Creative Director, Quiksilver. “They’re perfect ambassadors for the brand. Instead of just talking about what it’s like to make your way in the world as a young woman, we can experience it right along with them. They do a great job of showcasing the apparel collection, too.”

With this is also a short film showing off the six women who are “Visionaries in Residence” and '"bringing the brand to life".

Quiksilver women - Visionaries in Residence - (2008) 1:38 (USA)

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