Radio ads and TV commercials - not dead yet

After all the "sky is falling" reports we've heard on traditional media like TV and radio, two new studies claim those fears are not 100% founded.

During the Radio Advertising Bureau Conference, research was presented from a study done last August by Coleman Insights which claims radio commercial breaks have a retention rate of 92%, a number bolstered by strong results from four-minute and six-minute pods.

Additionally, Nielsen has found DVR owners watch 40 percent of commercials that they could skip over.

The new Nielsen data backs up the networks' claims that DVR owners do not fast-forward through all commercials. Nielsen announced the data as part of its preparations to release commercial viewing numbers for every TV program starting in May.

Nielsen's data, which is similar to estimates from TiVo, sets the stage for a renewed push from the networks to be paid for DVR playbacks. And advertisers may begin pressuring the networks to rethink the length — and even the concept — of commercial breaks to find ways to keep viewers tuned in.

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