RBC/TIFF Emerging Filmmakers Competition - ChicChicken - (2009) :30 (Canada)

Our unknown director has made it in to the party, but the girls know him from his dayjob at ChicChicken. Ouch.

Client: RBC
Agency : BBDO, Toronto
Production Company : Holiday Films, Toronto
Director : Steven Tsuchida

Chris Mably (DoP)
Peter Ignazi (Creative Director)
carlos moreno (Creative Director)
Mike Donaghey (Art Director)
Chris Joakim (Copywriter)
Aaron Dark, School Editing, Toronto (Editor)
Megan Flett (Agency Producer)
Josefina Nadurata (Executive Producer)
Tim Corrigan (Producer)
Music & Sound Design: Sonny Keyes, Ricochet, Toronto

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