Bos has just launched a multi-media campaign to reposition Canadian women’s retailer SMARTSET. Both the agency's Toronto and Montreal offices worked on the campaign that features the tagline "for all the living you do in-between". The campaign aims to remind their target, women in their late 20s, that it isn’t just the big occasions that matter, it’s all those smaller moments that happen along the way that are worth celebrating.
Marketing Director: Carmie Foglia
Agency: Bos
Creative Director: Gary Watson
Art Director: Jennifer Saunders
Writer: Joanna Barrs
Designer: Jeffrey Rosenberg
Account Supervisor: Maddie Gauthier
Account Director: Sebastien Moise
Production Company: Holiday Films
Director: Lena Beug
Executive Producer: Josefina Nadurata
Producer: Amalie Bruun
Director of Photography: Tico Poulakakis
Editorial: Bijou Edit
Editor: Ross Birchall
Music: Vapor
Song: “Twisted” by The 5 O’Clock Thursdays
Photographer: Cheyenne Ellis