Southwest "All I do is win" (2016) :30 (USA)

Southwest beats its chest really hard in this spot touting how many billions of dollars they've saved you by not charging you for checked luggage n' stuff. Set to All I Do Is Win” by DJ Khaled (featuring T-Pain) which is where I bet the idea for this spot came from.

Agency: GSD&M
Chief Creative Officer: Jay Russell
Group Creative Directors: Brent Ladd, Lara Bridger
Art Director: Will Chau, Mike Ferrer
Writer: Mark Snow
Director of Production: Jack Epsteen
Executive Producer: Marianne Newton
Producer: Amy Hurt
Account Service: Amy Lyon, Patty Liendo
Business Affairs Manager: Desiree Townsend

Prod Company: Prettybird
Director: Rami Hachache
Editor: Katie Hetland (More Media), Rachael Waxler (Union)
Director of Photography: Wyatt Troll
Stylist: Heather Allison

MUSIC: “All I Do Is Win” by DJ Khaled (featuring T-Pain)

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