Yet another brand is jumping into the consumer generated fray. Southwest Airlines current advertising campaign follows the theme of a bad situation you want to get away from and uses the endline, "Wanna get away?". At Southwest Wanna Get Away they explain the rules and state that the winning spot will get aired on national TV plus win some free travel as well. The CG spots are to be posted on youtube here, although right now there is only the example ad from Southwest and one other spot, which is actually somewhat amusing. Deadline is February 20, 2007.
I can't speak for the other creatives out there who read this drivel, but this whole consumer-generated push seems to me like a real Christmas gift. Rather than creatives having to suffer all the vapid briefs, banal insights, foolish mandatories, vacuous creative direction, and infantile directors, let the consumers deal with it. It's so much more democratic this way: advertising for consumers, by consumers.
Let's hope they can replace us at focus groups too!
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PermalinkThe idea of getting paid to come up with the idea of having consumers create the ads sounds good to me. Much more time for those martini lunches.
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