Business & finance

Migdal travel insurance - Mount Rushmore & bats - (2018) printad

"In case you have a bad trip"

GEICO "Washington Crossing the Delaware" (2018) :30 (USA)

What's surprising? Washington crossing the Delaware...turnpike.

Santander Bank - Piggy (2018) 1:00 (USA)

World of Tanks "The car park" (2018) :30 (France)

BT Mobile "first steps" (2018) 1:00 (UK)

Fitbit "Christmas" (2018) :20 (Ireland)

ING Belgium"The Walk " (2017) :45 (Belgium)

Paypal "Samesies" (2017) :15 (USA)

PayPal 'Shower power ballad" (2017) :15 (USA)

PayPal "Too Cool Meets Old School" (2017) :30 (USA)


New York Lotto "Bodega Cat" (2017) 1:00 (USA)

I have no idea why Cyrus the bodega cat is rewarding his owner with a scratch off lottery ticket after the owner has scolded him for being on the coun
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GEICO: "Lighten Up for the Holidays" (2017) :30 (USA)

HSBC - Sleepwalking shopper (2017) :30 (UAE)

Apple "Sway" (2017) 1:30 (USA)

Boy, Apple really likes dancing, don't they? It's like they want to own dancing.

Ohio Lottery "A little cheer" (2017) :30 (USA)

Motorola "Up-upgrade" (2017) :30 (France)


Apple "iPad Pro What's a computer' (2017) 1:00 (USA)

Even the cutesy premise of a little kid biking around the city doing All Kinds Of Things on their iPad Pro can't make up for the fact that no mat

Samsung Galaxy "Growing Up" (2017) 1:00 (USA)

Lol Samsung takes a dig at the lame Apple fanboys who realize their phones really aren't all that in the end and certainly aren't worth wait

ELISA ”Stay Connected” (2017) 2:22 (Finland)

P&N Bank "flying start" (2017) :30 (Australia)


Garmin "Beat yesterday" (2017) :30 (USA)


FIOS "Good neighbor" (2017) 1:00 (USA)

Xerox and Y&R want to Set The Page Free

Skyrocket "Stay Cool" (2017) :30 (USA)

DISH "Movie Night" (2017) :30 (USA)

iPhone - Earth / Shot on iPhone (2017) :60 (USA)


Apple WWDC 2017 APPOCALYPSE (2017) 3:00 (USA)

In an unusually humoristic clip, for Apple, the brand envisions a world without apps. The Appocalypse.
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Canon "Live for the story" (2017) 1:00 (UK)

Credit Karma "Tornado" (2017) :30 (USA)

Credit Karma "ER" (2017) :30 (USA)


Credit Karma "Scary Clown" (2017) :30 (USA)

Burger King - The NafNaPhone - (2017) (Israel)

Israeli Independence Day is also known as 'National BBQ Day', because everyone – and we mean e v e r y o n e – gathers around their grills f

Progressive Insurance - Mommeostatis (2017) :30 (USA)

Progressive - Daddeostasis - (2017) :30 (USA)

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Marcum "Unicorn" (2017) :30 (USA)

Marcum "Private Jet" (2017) :30 (USA)

Marcum "Audit" (2017) :30 (USA)

Marcum "Take Over" (2017) :30 (USA)

Aqua "Rockpool" (2017) :30 (UK)

Bank of Montreal "Weightless" (2017) :45 (Canada)

Dell Technologies "Magic with GE" (2017) :30 (USA)

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Dell Technologies "Magic" (2017) 1:00 (USA)

Coldwell Banker "Somebody to Love" 2017 :60 (USA)

New York Life Insurance "Rick Barry" (2017) :30 (USA)

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Ohio Lottery "Spa Cash" (2017) :30 (USA)

Ohio Lottery "Headphones" (2017) :30 (USA)

Raymond James "Doors" (2017) 1:00 (USA)


Raymond James "Kevin" (2017) 1:00 (USA)

Microsoft #MakeWhatsNext" (2017) 1:00 (USA)

Acer "#daretobeSwift teaser 2" (2017) :24 (USA)

Acer Swift #daretobeSwift (2017) 1:05 (USA)

Acer "#daretobeSwift teaser" (2017) :22 (USA)

Samsung "Do what you can't" (2017) :30 (USA)


Samsung "Do what you can't" (2017) 1:00 (USA)

SETAPP "Birdhouse Fail" (2017) :30 (USA)

Clever Fishermen | SETAPP (2017) :30 (USA)

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SetApp "How to get the best apps" (2017) 1:21 (USA)

Apple "My Block On The Street" (2017) 1:32 (Brazil)

Apple "iPad Pro: No PC viruses" (2017) :30 (USA)

Apple continues mining every day social media for ideas, in this case to convince people that laptops need to go because iPad Pros don't get PC v


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