Volkswagen - Is the small car going out of the picture? (1963) printad (USA)

Is the small car going out of the picture?

They're growing the new cars much bigger this season.
And to think that only a year or two ago, it was just the other way around.
For a while there, you could buy a car that you could actually park on the first try. And that didn't need power this and power that to get around the block.
We're going to miss them. And we think a lot of other people will, too.
Because we think there are people who still want to put a sensible amount of money into a sensible amount of car.
So prepare yourself: the 1966 Volkswagen will be exactly the same size.
And it will have exactly the same shape.
Volkswagen dealers will still have parts to fit any VW ever made.
And the people who are buying 1965 Volkswagens won't feel as though they're driving last year's model.
Maybe most small cars are going out of the picture. But there's one small exception.


Ad agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), New York

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