Volkswagen - Volkswagen overdoes it again: 4 coats of paint. (1961) printad (USA)

Volkswagen overdoes it again: 4 coats of paint.

Why four coats of paint when three would be more than enough?
For the same reason that we finish the in- side of the Volkswagen door jamb like the outside of the car. And seal the underside of the VW so that it's more like a ship's bottom than a car bottom.
Who'll know the difference? We will.
Let's get back to that paint job.
First the VW is literally submerged in paint; bathed in it. Then baked, and sanded. Coat No. 2 is sprayed on. Baked. Then every visible inch is sanded by hand. Coat No. 3: sprayed on. Baked. Fully sanded again. Coat No. 4: sprayed on. Baked. Whew!
Incidentally, the fourth coat is an extra
dividend the factory declared back in No- vember. It gives the Volkswagen finish even more transparency and depth. (You don't look at it; you look into it.) And, of course, it's still another protective coat against the weather.
This is the sort of excess that makes a Volkswagen a Volkswagen.


Ad agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach (DDB), New York

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