Yoplait - For Big Little Wins / Taekwando, Packed Lunch, Math homework (2019) :30 (USA)

Yoplait has created new practical foods that are targeted for children. Smart snacks, drinks, and even a clever frozen yoghurt tube that thaws by lunch is now available. These are done with the busy mom in mind, so the ads celebrate little kids growing a little bigger and more independent. First up, the go-getting girl who helps pack her own lunch.

For Big Little Wins is about celebrating those little moments when your kids accomplish great things.

Like this young girl having the strength and confidence to crush it at Taekwondo practice. And this young boy powering through heavy math homework. It may not seem like much to anyone childless, but small steps are big steps into becoming a well-rounded adult, and moms notice these steps.

Ad agency: Pereira & O’Dell

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AnonymousCoward's picture

These “becoming an INDEPENDENT CHILD!!!!” Ads are extremely annoying. I despise when they come on due to the shouting.

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

I agree.