Beertone - the beer color reference guide

What happens if you team up Swiss and Brazilian creatives? They come up with Beertone the beer color reference guide, and then they hustle you for money so they can buy a lot of beer, make this brilliant thing happen. Of course they'll buy beer for the money, how else can they photograph and catalogue each bubbly hue of brew? This is scientific, each beertone page will look like this, have a photograph of the beer, the bottled and color Information, RGB, CMYK, Web, SRM ( that's the beer color scale). This is beergeekery on an epic level. Pre-order now and you'll even get a old school postcard from Switzerland mailed to you. Next up they'll make beertone reference guides for Swiss beers only, and Brazilian beers only. These people are going to have such a hangover 2014.

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