This is a big ad. A very big ad.

Over at you can view one of the biggest ads of the year. If not the biggest ad in the world. Or the biggest ad ever. It is, mighty mighty big! (Warning the site does not deliver film when you surf it with firefox, so sly foxers open it with Safari) What is the ad about? Follow me to see at or watch the Quicktime video in the archive



All right, we have Carmina Burana - check, we have helicopter shots - check, we have dramatic landscape somewhere in New Zealand - check, we have humans forming objects just like in that British Airways ad - check. How many more ad classics can you spot in there? ;) Let's hope this big big ad sells many many pints of Carlton Draught. I'll have one please.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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duncanmacl's picture

Interesting to try out the vividas player. I assume the ad was made by George Patterson Partners Melbourne. Anyone got a link for them?

Dabitch's picture

Also fun to watch, the older No explanations - carlton Draught advert.,

duncanmacl's picture

The Leagas Delaney 'Big' campaign was for Barclays Bank, and featured three ads: "Player" with Hopkins, "Big Bang" with Nick Moran and "Achievements" with Tim Roth, all directed by Tony Scott. They were shown in 2000 but backfired when they coincided with Barclay's downsizing, closing branches and making staff redundant.

AnonymousCoward's picture

And I'm sure I've seen that key scene - where the beer people go down the body people's throat - somewhere else. Can anyone remind me where it's from because I'm sure it's been done before.

Simpsons. 1930s Duff ad I believe. Looks very similar anyways.

(PS: We drink Schooners down here)

Yeah, maybe in the Freak States, but not here in Victoria, we drink Pints!
hehehe :P

Go the Roos, AFL Premiers in 2005!!!!

Dabitch's picture

Anthony Hopkins?

Does anyone else know which ad Copywhore is on about? I barely recall.. I think you might be onto something but I can't remember that ad.. Gaah!

CopyWhore's picture

What a great way to send up that awful advertising subgenre: the Anthem Spot!

Although, is anyone familiar with a Leagas Delaney spot from about 10 years ago, that was for UBS or HSBC banks, starring Anthony Hopkins?

Big was the big idea in that spot, too...Though executed in a totally different, yet equally entertaining way...

James Trickery's picture

We send up our own all the time! Just not this good.. Or relevant for that matter. This works even if you haven't seen the Britih Airways which makes it a great spoof.

AnonymousCoward's picture

I'm with Plywood - it's fun, but I liked it the first time I saw it, when it was a British Airways ad. I know we've been sending up (ripping off?) movies in advertising for years, but have we started eating our own now? And I'm sure I've seen that key scene - where the beer people go down the body people's throat - somewhere else. Can anyone remind me where it's from because I'm sure it's been done before.

Plywood's picture

Funny, but it's not their idea - it's British Airways'.

duncanmacl's picture

I've discovered that the Big Ad was directed by Paul Middleditch, with Plaza Films. The ad is available in Quicktime at their site. There's more details there on the writer, creative etc.

Andreas-Udd's picture

Aaaaah.. Well that would explain why I got such a "fellowship of the ring" feeling from the camera panning across NZ nature. Seems like he is the director on this one, yes.

Dabitch's picture

All I got from the Daily Telegraph was: "Shot by an Academy Award-winning cinematographer and co-produced by Australian special-effects wizards Animal Logic, who worked on The Matrix trilogy, the Carlton Draught Big Ad took months to complete and is of epic proportions." - but no directors name, just that he's a famous guy. (wtf?).
Spooted elsewhere inthe news: Very Big Ad shows why we still call Carlton a beer (warning really bad flash pop-ups) at At i finally find the d.o.p's name at least: BigAd spreads like wildfire "Shot by an Academy Award-winning cinematographer Andrew Lesnie (Fellowship of the Ring) and coproduced by Australian special-effects wizards Animal Logic, who worked on the Matrix trilogy, the BigAd took months to complete and is of epic proportions" Looks like Andrews role here was to be the director as well?

duncanmacl's picture

So who's the director, anyone know?

AnonymousCoward's picture

This is funny stuff.

Dabitch's picture

At least!

AnonymousCoward's picture

gotta be one of the funniest piss takes i've seen in a long while of both movies and tv ads. i've watched a dozen times and its still funny as all s#@*

Dabitch's picture

Beer ad viral campaign a hit
"Shot by an Academy Award-winning cinematographer and co-produced by Australian special-effects wizards Animal Logic, who worked on The Matrix trilogy, the Carlton Draught Big Ad took months to complete and is of epic proportions.
Reminiscent of a series of British Airways ads, an aerial shot reveals the two groups of men coming together to form a gigantic image of a man drinking a schooner of beer.
Created by the George Patterson Partners agency, the ad was shot in New Zealand and featured 300 actors and more than 20,000 computer-generated men.
Brewer CUB attributes Carlton Draught's recent sales surge to marketing which parodies traditional beer advertising. "

James Trickery's picture

It's a big ad!
Very big ad!
It's a big ad we're in!
It's a big ad!
My God it's big!
Can't believe how big!
For Carlton Draught!
It's just so freaking huge!
It's a big ad!
Expensive ad!
This ad better sell some blooooooody beer !

AnonymousCoward's picture

I thought you boys would love it! The other ads that Carlton had were "CARLTON DRAUGHT, MADE FROM..... BEER"

Very funny stuff.

(PS: We drink Schooners down here),

Dabitch's picture

It is fun-ny.
So ve-ry fun-y.
One of the fun-i-eeeeessssst!

(I've been talking like this all day.)

PS - Link to Patts George Patterson Partner

AnonymousCoward's picture

i'll have to nominate this for the funniest / most epic ever... hee hee already did!

A gold lion?

Whatever man's picture

This comment made me spend a stupid amount of time trying to find the 1930s Duff ad. Until I realized with all the Simpsons references returned in my search that I am a complete idiot. Thanks.