Carnivore Club "F'upinsurance" (2015) 1:00 (Canada) NSFW

You've been warned. This ad for meat by mail club Carnivore Club drops some serious F-Bombs. You can see the humor ramping up a mile away. It is decidedly NSFW, and crude. Also the last thing I ever want to do is think of meat by mail and group sex in the same moment, but what's been seen can't be unseen. Actually, yes it can.

We're so used to ads designed to shock by now, this ad is not only unshocking, it's pretty run of the mill except for the gratuitous use of the word "Fuck." At least they followed through by creating a F-up insurance landing page.

Really though, executions like this are quite stale. Hello Skittles spec work porn ad or Outpost Super Bowl commercial from 1998. Let's just hope the product has more taste.

Client: Carnivore Club
Agency: Bensimon Byrne
Creative Director: Joseph Bonnici
Associate Creative Director: Dan Strasser
Writer: Dave Thornhill
Agency Producer: Michelle Pilling
Business Lead: Zeesh Hussain
Project Manager: Patricia Tay
Production House: OPC / Family Style
Executive Producer: Liz Dussault/Harland Weiss/Donovan Boden
Director: Max Sherman
Line Producer: Dwight Phipps
Casting: Steven Mann
Post Production Offline: Married to Giants
Producer: Denise Scherer
Editor: Leo Zaharatos
Post Production Online: Alter Ego
Producer: Caitlin Schooly
Editor: Darren Achim
Transfer: Alter Ego
Colourist: Wade Odlum
Audio House: Grayson Matthews
Producer: Bridget Flynn
Director: Jono Holmes

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David Felton's picture

Okay, I really liked this. But hey, I'm a red-blooded meat loving male slap-bang in their target market.

Ryan's picture

ya, I like it too. I had no idea I could have meat delivered to my door. f-bomb away if it lets me know about a service that I'd like to use.

kidsleepy's picture

Crazy-- and here I thought the phrase Meat-By-Mail was common. Judging by my google search there are plenty of places that provide this service.