Coca-Cola - Security Cameras - (2012) :60

This clever little advert produced by Landia for Coke Latin America shows a lot of fun, quirky, crazy, lovely and hilarious scenes of people being real mensch to each other, as seen from the point of view of security cameras everywhere.

For some reason UK HuffPo wonders if these are real scenes, captured by real security cameras or staged. Lets see here Huffpo, what do you think about these ads? Staged bike-riding ladies? Yes durrrr. Staged kaviar tasting Japanese people? Yes. (50% are actors). Staged fainters for tic-tac? Obviously. Staged witnesses on the worlds most boring square turned sudden awesome entertainment channel? Yes. Don't worry HuffPo, when it comes to telling the difference between staged and not, you'll soon get the hang of it. Sometimes the ads aren't even shot where they claim they're shot like the red light district or deepest point of the ocean, or even done on the face of the Statue of Liberty at all, but this little secret stays within the unread blogs of the ad industry trade people so hush, no telling the punters now.

"People tend to associate security cameras with negative events, but we wanted to disprove that assumption by demonstrating the abundance of happy events and actions they capture"

-- said Martin Mercado, the Creative Director at Landia. I'll also note that it makes the ever present cctv invention seem downright cute.

Client: Coca-Cola

Producer: Landia

Creative Director: Martin Mercado

Music: Roger Hodgson

Track: Give A Little Bit

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kidsleepy's picture

I'm surprised they'd use that Supertramp song. Didn't GAP use it back in the early 00's?

Dabitch's picture

Yes they did.

GAP / Shaggy 2001

AnonymousCoward's picture

This video from Coca-Cola really touched my heart. What better song than Roger Hodgson's "Give A Little Bit", a song with a powerful & eternal message that we should always give our love to others whenever we can. For those who are curious, it is a Roger Hodgson recording, not a Supertramp recording. It is truly magical to hear this song live.

AnonymousCoward's picture

A great song is a great song and "Give a Little Bit" never ages, it only motivates and enlightens people when they hear the first chords. You can't help but tap your foot and sing along. Roger Hodgson the "Voice of Supertramp", songs have stood the test of time, when you hear the very first chords of "Give a Little Bit" your foot starts tapping and your head moves to the beat. Instantly a person is transported to a different time in your life when Rogers words rang out to you from every car radio.

Because of his distinctive sound, vocally, lyrically, and musically, Roger is easily recognized and quickly remembered. His music finds a place in your soul and each time you hear those familiar notes winding their way to your ears, feel comforted.

Roger Hodgson has been touring for the last ten years and one of those rare artists who spends his time communicating with his audience. You only have to listen to one song, one candidly spoken introduction, one humorous antidote to become a fan for life. His voice and music sound better than ever and he makes you feel like he is playing just for you and yes..... you will hear "Give a Little Bit, Dreamer, Take the Long Way Home, and Logical Song" to just name a few of his gems, live.

If you attend just one of his performances you will want to see him again and again warned......
Check out his website for upcoming events:!/RogerHodgson

Dabitch's picture

This kinda makes me wonder if Supertramp's co-founder has troops of fans repeating his name more often than Supertramp has been mentioned in any given thread, and adding links to all of his personally branded and not Supertramp branded twitters and facebooks and wotzits just to SEO higher than Supertramp in searches. This is obviously me testing this theory because I'm a unicorn.


Thanks for sharing this lovely post. I really love this video. This song "Give A Little Bit" really touched my heart. His voice and music sound make me feel truly magical.