Taxi and Reginald Pike tickle funny bones

A new campaign created by Taxi toronto and shot by Brian Lee Hughes of Reginald Pike takes a serious look at comedy films for the The World of Comedy International Film Festival. (links inside)

Five films show comedy directors and actors being interviewed by film reviewing journalist buffs. There's mentions of genetalia, serious discussions about donkeys butts and even a ping-pong trick. The ads began airing today.

Super adgrunt, click to see.

Sign Post

Donkey Bum

Catch you later

Blue Angel

Ping Pong

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Plywood's picture

Or go to and click on new work and the spots are there...

There are a lot of actors - I wonder if they went ACTRA or non-union...Because I can't see the clients having a lot of money...Hmmm.

James Trickery's picture

Meh, not really funny IMHO

....and that trackback beow shouldn't be. It doesn't discuss the reginald pike films at all, though it does link adlands front page. Someone delete it.

Dabitch's picture

fixed strange tb.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Yes a lot of actors, and they sound danish to me in their english pronounciation. Or is it just my ears that need tuning? I see the DOP is danish. Hmmm.