BC Dairy Foundation - Chair Pants - (2009) 2:16 (Canada)

"Chair Pants" one of the infomercials for the The Weak Shop. More quirky infomercials and stuff can be found at www.theweakshop.com

The BC Dairy Foundation, in partnership with DDB Canada, is pleased to announce the official opening of The Weak Shop, a unique retail entity and sub brand, featuring inventive products to assist those who are feeling weaker than normal. Yaknow, like you'd get when you don't drink milk, like duh.

“The creation of The Weak Shop sub brand marks a innovative approach to milk marketing. It’s bold, quirky, and talks to teens in an unusual way,” says Liz Gurszky, director of market development and communication, BC Dairy Foundation. “Instead of preaching to teens about health benefits, we’re really driving home our point that milk gives you energy by showing the performance consequences of not drinking enough milk in an offbeat, teen-relevant way.”

Client: BC Dairy Foundation
Ad agency: DDB Canada

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