Spot Abuse "Dial 9-1-1" (2014) :30 (USA)

This unflinching spot makes the point that 76% of people who abuse dogs, end up abusing a family member. While I think the "He's next" super wasn't needed, the casting is spot on, especially with the vet who knows exactly what is going on. Sad. but important to remember. If you see animal abuse, call 9-1-1 before a family member receives the same horrible treatment. Help end this behavior.

Agency: Serve
Campaign Credits: Outdoor
Creative Director: Gary Mueller
AD: Scott Krahn
Writer: Gary Mueller
Photographer: Nick Collura (Collura Creative)
Retoucher: Anthony Giacomino
Producer: Darlene Stimac
Campaign Credits: TV
Creative Director: Gary Mueller
AD: Scott Krahn
Writer: Gary Mueller
Director: Robb Fischer
Producer: Darlene Stimac
Editor: John Elmendorf (Wonder Wonder)
Audio: Alex Smolinski, (Wonder Wonder Sound)

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Like it's not enough the mom has a black eye?