
Christmas lights for 24 murdered women - Alla Kvinnors Hus (All Woman’s House)

In this year's Christmas campaign Sweden's largest women's shelter – Alla Kvinnors Hus (All Woman’s House) – sheds new light on the dea

White Ribbon PSA: The anxieties of raising a daughter - "I knew all along" (2022) :90 (Canada)

White Ribbon's “I Knew All Along” addresses the anxieties of raising a daughter 70% of Canadians are anxious about raising daughters due to chal

NAAMAT - The Future of Your Children? (2022) Israel

November 25  is the  International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and on that day this ad was released in Israel. 

KNOW & TELL Granite State Children's Alliance “It’s Always There.” (2022) :30 (USA)

This month is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, an annual observance dedicated to raising awareness and preventing child abuse.

RED Center - In the Name of Honor- (2022) 3:00 (Denmark)

This is really well cast, as the actress's beautiful face can carry so many emotions in the literal blink of her eyes. She loves her father.
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Human trafficking isn't what you think it is

An-eye opening new public awareness campaign commissioned by Public Safety Canada works to highlight the grim realities and prevalence of human traffi

Face à l’inceste - Two Monsters in my Story- (2021) 2:10 (France)

In France, a child victim of sexual abuse still has to prove before the law that he did not consent.

Leo Burnett proudly presents: “Everyday Triggers”

Israel’s leading brands give their products a dark twist in a commercial break takeover for “The International Day for the Elimination of Violence aga

Mercy For Animals - Animals Also Hope for a New Normal (2020) :60 (Brazil)

The official WHO's (World Health Organization) pandemic protocols have been the inspiration of this film from Mercy For Animals.

YWCA - Don’t get bought off (Laisse-toi pas acheter) (2019) case study (Canada)

This is a case study of an Instagram campaign that was aimed at preventing sexual exploitation recruitment amongst young women on Instagram.

Chilling New PSA Campaign Warns Suburban Parents about Dangers of SexTrafficking

Wisconsin Ranks as a Top State for Sex Trafficking With Reports in All Counties

Street Grace Stop Traffick 72 bus billboard (USA) Case Study 2019

A kick-ass idea for a great cause.

72 school buses make a mile long billboard - stopping traffic to stop trafficking

This is such a great idea.

Right to Play Takes a Stand on Child Oppression in ‘We Rise’

New campaign shines a spotlight on the daily atrocities endured by millions of children every day.
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"No On 3, Keep MA Safe" (2018) :30 (USA)

This ad is pretty heavy-handed on the dramatic scare-tactics, which isn't unusual when it's a 30-second political ad trying to convince you

UNICEF "These parrots will make you say WTF" (2017)

“If a parrot can remember what happens in an abusive home, imagine a child,” the super reads, before giving some stark statistics about violence again
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Emotional abuse is harder to see

Myer "Give registry- Sheets" (2016) :30 (Australia)

Myer "Give registry- Kettle" (2016) :30 (Australia)

Myer "Give Registry- Plate" (2016) :30 (Australia)

MYER "Give Registry - Towel" (2016) 1:00 (Australia)

Innocence in Danger "The Witness" (2016) :45 (France)


PSA NO MORE / Text Talk (2016) :30 (USA)

FAIR - Disney Layoffs / H-1 abuse (2016) :30 (USA)


PETA woman beaten up for her wool sweater - (2016) :30 (USA)

PETA are at it again, and I don't mean they're stripping down and abusing women in the name of animal rights, but they're recycling the
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CARE Norway - #DearDaddy (2015) 5:00 (Norway)

Pets can help stop domestic abuse.

Save The Children "Philip" (2015) :50 (Norway)

PSA anti domestic violence - NO MORE - (2015) Extended 60

NO MORE will air the first-ever Super Bowl commercial addressing domestic violence and sexual assault on Sunday, directing people to say "no more

Marmite - End #MarmiteNeglect Teaser - (2015) :60 (UK)

Tribal NY show you the highs and lows of DXM abuse


Stop Abuse in animals, and Stop Abuse in humans, too.

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Spot Abuse "Dial 9-1-1" (2014) :30 (USA)

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Youtube's "ambush advertising" in makeup tutorial channels, been done thrice

Stealth advertising in youtube channels is popular, so popular we have badlanders happening. Maybe this type of advertising should have its own name?

Children of the Street- "I shared a photo" - (2012) :30 (Canada)

In an execution echoing Amanda Todd's youtube video, the teenager who was cyberstalked and bullied until she committed suicide for having dared s

Amnesty International - Ne means No / nei er nei - case study (2013) 2:00 (Norway)

This case study shows how Amnesty International muted a girls voice, to explain how the rape laws in Norway were (not) working.

Cyberbullying hurts just as bad as that face-bruises Domestic Violence PSA?

Yeah, it was a bit like that Macy Grey video from the 90s, where the bruises appeared and vanished from her face, but here our abused heroine wasn

VisualKinTV - "Cyberbullying hurts too. " - (2012)

VisualKinTV says: We decided to create a video that we thought could bring attention to the matter of cyber bullying.

Refuge - Don't Cover Up - (2012) case study

On Lauren Luke's makeup channel on youtube this message was suddenly among all the other makeup tutorials.

HRSDC Faces of abuse

This campaign is for the Government of Canada, intended to raise awareness of the many ways caregivers (professionals, friends, or even family) can co

Orangina - L'Ours Orangina vs La Bimbo - SERIAL PLAQUEUR - (2011) :30 (France)

The creative posse Fred & Farid are turning up the weird on Orangina again. Hit up Facebooks french Orangina page and you too can play along.

UNA - Onlus "Hate" (2011) :42 (Italy)

Heartbreaking. The father leans in to the sleeping son and whispers words of hate in his ear.

ASAI Ban ISPCC's 'I Can't Wait Until I Grow Up' because the abuser is a man

There's a bit of a cat-fight between the ASA Ireland and the ISPCC Ireland right now.

ISPCC - I Can't wait until I grow up - (2011)

The ISPCC have found a young boy worthy of some sort of commercial-acting Oscar.

Violence against women EU - Cover the blemishes / Makeup tips - (2011)

Lovely lady shows us, youtube-webcam style, how to apply makeup that hides those blemishes such as major swelling and bruises and black eyes and...

Change.org slapped ConAgra, Manwich ads pulled.

In the least surprising bit of news this week, Adfreak reports: "Manwich ads yanked for slapping girly men.

Domestic Violence PSA: It rarely stops (2010)

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

Welsh Assembly Government - One Step Too Far - (2010)

Every year in the UK 1 million women experience domestic abuse, over 12,000 women are raped while nearly 20,000 fall victim to other sexual assaults.

PETA's top five most offensive (and most sexist) ads

Libresse Sweden warns young girls: We're not asking you to undress on MSN!

In a time when social media advertising is the hottest buzzword around it's disconcerting to find that one of the largest brands of feminine hygi

Home Office - Boy - (2010) :90

The same scene as in Girl except now witnessed by the boy. "So do you want a bit of fun before your parents get back?"

Home Office - Girl - (2010) :90

If you could see yourself - would you see abuse? This PSA from the Home Office wants to raise awareness of abuse in teenage relationships.

Casa do Menor - “The Burden” - (2009) :60 (Italy)

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Abused Red Ridinghood
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Siminn - Siminn Netvari - (2009) :30 (Iceland)


Red Cross campaign compares Chinese human right violations to olympic sports

Odd Scouts has created a campaign for the Swedish youth Red Cross that is sure to piss off the Chinese (like the old Coke & Tibetan monks ad).

People Opposing Woman Abuse, POWA

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Amnesty International breaks 1st of 4 animated films against China's human rights abuses

With 100 days to go until the Beijing Olympics, Amnesty International today launched the first in a series of four hard-hitting animated films highlig

Dunkelziffer - Haunting creep - (2008) :30 (Germany)


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