SinkYaDrink and the spam they generate.

With this I would like to apologize to all the webheads who might have followed my link to the SinkYaDrink back in June while I was guestblogging at

As I'm a paranoid webhead I did enter the competition after sinking several hundred drinks, and let the site know who I was by filling in a false email "drink" at one of my domains, and real name.
Naturally I didn't win anything, I fear my few hundred drinks record was beat within hours, what a shame. But I did win some SPAM! Yes! Spam! It seems have no qualms about selling email addies gathered via their games to spammers as these days, six months later, that "drink" email I only used on their site is getting lots of offers like cashing chips with the gaming club from which doesn't interest me in the least.

Shame on preloaded, but I can't say that I'm surprised, it seems that all the fun games and competitions lately are just a way to gather fresh emails.

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