Pony - Pony Family - Print campaign (2004)

Another brand new fresh Pony campaign, created by fred & farid at Goodby Silverstein in San Francisco. Introducing - the Pony Family.

This campaign - like the previous one - will also run in 120 countries.

Cred: account team at Goodby was Renee Cournoyer and Stephen Barry, CW&AD are fred & farid, Creative Director, Rich Silverstein, Photographer is Sasha Waldman. Team on the client side, Killick Datta, John Lewis, Steve Thomson. The campaign launches at the end of July.

Daddy, lights his fire. ;)

Mommy, craves pickles and throws a mean punch.

Baby - already tattooed with a tear for doing time.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Robblink's picture

Pretty cool. There seems to be an anti-sport vibe to the ads. Which is a good positioning against Nike's sports are noble positioning.

Dabitch's picture

aye - like "born tough-play rough"-vibe to it.

I'll just have to wait for the "incredibly lazy" sports brand to come out before I can buy any sneakers. ;)

deeped's picture

I think the camp more tries to be as "bad" as it can. A boxing Mom? Yeay, that's really a person that have feelings of responsibilities to the unborn in her womb. The kid with all the metal - what's that with sport?

The only pic that somehow is sport-related is the guy who light his cig' at the Olympic Fire. That anti-sport. But if Pony wants to be in the sport aparel biz: how come they do this?

Or am I just plain stupid and don't get it?

AnonymousCoward's picture

I really dig the Olympic one. Reminds me of when I ran cross country in high school while smoking a pack a day or would take vodka breaks from playing frisbee. Dead on slacker athlete.

But the other two do just seem to be strange just for the sake of being strange...unless those are the parents of the tatooed baby? Then maybe there's a good story I'm missing.

Either way. Doesn't make me want to wear Ponys.

blabla's picture

Like Norwalk I really dig the smoking runner. Nay, I adore it. The olympic dis will drive some people mad. Luv it!

The other two I'm not so keen on, feel a little too blatant somehow. Not on the same level as the runner.

AnonymousCoward's picture

i like the first one, and maybe even the second one.. but i just can't find the connection between the baby-ad and the other ones.
these are all rather bold and provocative images and i think it will take a lot of effort for pony and their designers to live up to the attitude that these ads promise.. after all.. it's just another sneaker brand

AnonymousCoward's picture

It's going to take much more than Addams family portraits to make Ponys as cool as 'Roos let alone Nike. But good job F & F! Maybe this time next year you'll be spinning at Ibiza!? WTF!? I'm back!

CopyWhore's picture

Great ads. Even better retouching. But the real clincher is naming the suits involved in the whole shebang. Seriously, when the suits have a stake in the recognition when the campaign wins metal, they'll put much more effort into selling the ads. But don't trust me. Ask the Brazilians. They've been doing this for years. (Just take a look at any CCRJ Anuario) I'm not suprised, though. Ninguem entende natureza humana como o povo brasileiro! Valeu!

Dabitch's picture

You could also just ask Dave Trott - he claims to always send the suits to pick up the awards rather than the creatives behind the award-winning-whatever-campaign at all the agencies he's founded (quite a few by now).

AnonymousCoward's picture

To view spec ads for this Pony campaign as shot by myself with Fred & Farid check out Gallery One at my website. Unfortunately they didn't make the grade with the client (five of the seven images were presented but too racy). As you will see, all my shots were in camera, charoscuro-style with an amazing make up artist. Just want someone here to enjoy the extra work!!


Also, I have nothing but solid respect for Sasha's work and the genius of Fred & Farid.

Peace to Adgrunts,

AnonymousCoward's picture

New link for unused Pony shots - thanks in advance for looking:
