Vegemite - Concensus 2 (how do you eat your Vegemite?) - (2008) :30 (Australia)

Edit July 29 for those who can’t view the ad - please see site:

Vegemite wants to know how you eat your vegemite. Are you a wormer, a streaker or a tiger striper? All non-aussies who say "eew, yuck, vegemite!?" need not apply. ;) actually, it’s pretty tasty. I'm a streaker.
Agency: JWT Melbourne

See also Vegemite - Concensus (how do you eat your Vegemite?) - (2008) :30 (Australia)

Agency: JWT Melbourne
Richard Muntz, Executive Creative Director
Jason Ryan, Art Director
Keith Nicolas, Art Director
Scott Glennon, Copywriter
Pip Heming, Agency Producer
Director: Matt Kamen
Production Company: The Guild

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