Domyos - Survêtement enfant WARM’Y - (2015) :30 (FRANCE)

A group of energetic kids discover that a yellow bus is not the fastest nor the most fun way to get to school in a new sport for fitness company Domyos directed by Ross Ching.

In a spot produced for the Paris office of Fred & Fardid, school kids hide from their bus driver when he arrives to pick them up in the morning. Instead, they take off under their own power, bounding over walls, doing cartwheels on rooftops and leaping over guardrails, arriving at school just ahead of the driver and the empty bus.

Ching, who directs U.S. projects through A Common Thread, cast a group of children trained in parkour, an obstacle course program involving, running, climbing, swinging, vaulting and other acrobatic feats. Through clever camerawork and precise choreography, he created the illusion that the kids have the agility of circus performers.

Shooting locations included rooftops and roadways sprinkled around central Los Angeles. “We had many locations to cover and a lot of stunts to do with the kids, so it was a challenge timewise, but the kids did an awesome job,” notes Ching. “They were some of the most talented young performers I’ve worked with.”

AGENCY: Fred & Fardid, Paris

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