"Exit" and the city Wunsiedel turn a neo-Nazi march into a charity run.

In a guerilla action stunt the charity "Exit", which helps people out of neo-Nazi groups, turned a neo-Nazi march into a walk for charity. Simultaneously speaking to their target - that's neo-Nazis who want to leave who might possibly be in the march - while using them as a way to promote the charity. Ballsy. Oh, so very ballsy.

The delicious irony of "right against right", that is extremists marching to raise money to help extremists out of it, caught on fire on twitter with the hasthag #RechtsgegenRechts. The neo-Nazis just seem a little perplexed by the banners, and keep silently marching on. I'm sure they're quite used to protesters at this march, people yelling obscenities at them, etc. This time they're greeted with happy confetti banners thanking them for marching for charity, cheering them on along the way, and free bananas. How confusing.

For every meter walked, €10 went to Nazi opt-out programme EXIT Deutschland, so at the end of the march €10.000 was donated. The donations had been collected beforehand, all the neo-Nazis had to do was show up, which they've been doing every year for 25 years.

“Nazis against Nazis” is an initiative by the ZDK Gesellschaft Demokratische Kultur gGmbH and was supported by project against right-wing extremism, Bayerischen Verein für Toleranz, Demokratie und Menschenwürde e.V., Aussteigerhilfe Bayern e.V., DGB and Wunsiedler Bündnis gegen Rechtsextremismus.

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Those mock Nazi ad slogans are hilarious. XD

The title of Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle") became "Mein Mampf!" ("My Munchies!"). And the early 20th century paramilitary organization "Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold" ("Black, Red, Gold Banner of the Reich") became "Schwarz. Rot. Geld." ("Black. Red. Money.").