Link Lust: An Everlasting Link

The Woostercollective remixes BBDO's anti-grafitti campaign (one , two , three four - etcetera) and share their two cents on the topic. "..if advertising is so powerful, why are more and more advertisements looking more and more like graffiti art?"

Subway franchisees sue over advertising fund, uh-oh.

Ideagrove media orchard interviews fark founder Drew about ads. "The whole advertising industry confuses me sometimes. Advertisers for some reason really, really want to buy ads that annoy the shit out of the consumer." Yeah those ads bug me too, as do paid links but as long as its all boobies I guess I don't care.

All this points to the future, Ad Agencies: A Change Is Gonna Come - everything else is evolving, and so should the agencies.

These links brought to you by the transforming photocopier.

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