Nissan "The Widest Circuit" (2017) 2:00 (Japan)

How do you sell celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Nissan Skyline while touting the innovative DAS technology? If you are TBWA\HAKUHODO, you get a world-renowned race car driver and a artistic pig. That's right, Pigcasso the South African pig is known for abstract painting.

You won't need to understand Japanese to enjoy this spot, either.All you need to know is this: DAS stands for Direct Adapative Steering and is the world's first motion transmission from steering to the car wheels through electrical signals. In other words, the steering is made for complex maneuvers. How complex, you ask? That's where PIgcasso comes in. They took one of the pig's abstract paintings, and used the line formations to create a race circuit, to challenge both car and driver alike.

The race car driver, Michael Krumm, had no idea what he was in for before stepping on the circuit, so it's all on the fly from his end but at the end of the circuit completion, he is as impressed with the Skyline's handling as much as he is bewildered at the circuit.

“To celebrate the 60th anniversary, we wanted a highly entertaining and engaging way for people to rediscover the charm of the Skyline,” said Takayuki Niizawa, senior creative director at TBWA\HAKUHODO Japan. “What better way to demonstrate the innovative DAS technology of the Skyline than with the help of a pig with an innovative talent.”

Couldn't agree more. Wonder if they got to keep the painting?

Client: Nissan
Creative Agency: TBWA\HAKUHODO Japan
Senior Creative Director: Takayuki Niizawa
Art Director: Yuki Tokuno
Copywriters: Masaharu Kumagai, Tetsuya Umeda
Interactive Planner: Tetsuya Umeda
Strategic Planner: Satoru Nakamura
Agency Producer: Tsutomu Hirakue
Interactive Producer: Ryosuke Oohata
Account Director: Naoya Kitaori

Production Company: GEEK PICTURES
Head Producer: Yokoi Hidemitsu
Producer: Eri Tomita
Project Manager: Tomohiro Morishita

Director: Ryo Takebayashi
Cameraman: Yusuke Suga

Web Production Company: HAKUHODO i-studio
Creative Director: Toshihide Murata
Designer: Saki Kato
Producer: Goshi Makkii
Director: Shinya. Fukuda

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Fun to watch. Didn't see that coming.

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