Roman "Thinly veiled metaphors" (2017) 1:15 (USA)

"Let's point out stereotypes of erectile dysfunction advertising, while making an actual ad because that's never been done before."

"Only if we have an SNL director do it since they do parodies n' stuff."

"Okay but only if we make it really crude so it's "pr worthy." Lots of swear words, f bombs, and pixelated dicks.

"I hear you bruh but we'll still have to pump the brakes to read straight from the brief and legalese."


Agency: Circus Maximus
Chief Creative Officer: Ryan Kutscher
Senior Copywriter: Scott Linnen
Copywriter: Erik Poh
Art Director: Pat Horn
Director of Production: Paul Sutton
Producer: Rael Kenny

Production Company: Superprime Films
Executive Producer - Colleen O’Donnell
Managing Director - Michelle Ross

Production Company: Alpen Pictures
Director: Mike Bernstein
Producer: Christian Heuer, Matthew Pittman
Production Supervisor: William Cubbon
DP: Tom Banks
Art: Zach Miller
Stylist: Jordy Scheinberg
Editor: Casey McClelland
Sound Designer: Sean Oakley
Colorist: Trevor Durtshi
Motion Graphics: Big Head

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