SAP / Socialdemokraterna - Why should we care about each other? - (1985) :75 (Sweden)

Back when Socialdemokraterna (Social Democrats) were still called Socialdemokratiska arbetarpartiet (Social Democratic worker's party) they ran this film, directed by Roy Anderson and it is a typical example of his visual style.

In it you'll see the care of the elderly which is more like a storage facility, the biggest man wins a seat in a bar, a mother's purse is emptied of money when she brings her hurt child to the doctor, kids have to pay for school lunches, and people trample past someone who has fallen on the street with all his bags, instead of helping him.

"Why should we care about each other?" asks the tagline, implying that the Social Democrats are the only ones representing solidarity.

Reklamfilm SAP Varför ska vi bry oss om varandra?

Client: SAP / Socialdemokraterna

Advertising agency: ARE Idé2

Production company: Studio 24

Directed by: Roy Andersson

Director of Photography: István Borbás

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AnonymousCoward's picture

eh, it was ringing like you." Neat

Andreas-Udd's picture

Jag älskar den här filmen den är så härligt konstig.