In this fascinatingly silly ad from 1977, we see a farmer milking his cow when a group of rowdy people in white overalls drive by. They point and laugh at the farmer, and then one of them pipes up with a question:
"Hey cowboy, can you tell me where the margarine factory is?"
The farmer responds they are lost, as "this is nature"
"the margarine factory" he continues "is under that yellow cloud over there."
"What do you have on the truck?" the farmer asks.
"Hillbilly, this is what you make margarine from," they then break out into song: "colors, aromas and something for the texture, fats and coconut and cotton and fish, lard and ester...."
The farmer says: "That seems complicated."
"So what do you do then?"
"Butter. You take cream, whip it, and salt it a little, and you'll have butter - with a completely natural taste."
Client: SMÖR / Butter "runmarked dairy butter under state control"
The label actually reads: runmärkt mejerismör under statskontroll