Willy's redirects traffic in Halmstad to lead customers to opening night of new store.

New WIlly's
Billigare Mat / Cheaper foods
"Ecological foods"
"BBQ food"
"fresh baked bread"

The new and improved Willys stores are about to open and to ensure that customers will find their way there, they're actually redirecting traffic with mysterious traffic signs all over the town of Halmstad. All roads used to lead to Rome, but now they lead to Willys. The traffic sign stunt which began last night is the creation of Miami guerilla ad agency and Willys. All signs inform people exactly how far they have to go to reach Willys and what they might expect to find in the new fresher store - like fresh baked goods and ecological foods.

Ad agency: Miami, Gothenburgh

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Is this legal? They look like real traffic signs. I mean, did they get some sort of permission to do this?