Win books from Gill and Vaske.

The Gill book "Unspecial Effects for Graphic Designers I've been speaking about here earlier and Herman Vaske's "Standing on the shoulders of giants" are up for grabs- want one? Well, as so happens, visibilty sent me some review copies. As usual in any Adland competition, you can live on the moon and still be able to win. As usual part two - you'll have to be a member of adland (with a valid email address, puhlease!) to be able to win. All people feeling remotely creative today can join in.... Read more for the contest.

So what do I want you to do this time?
Well, since it is about Gill's book - I want you to design something! I'd like you to design a symbl/logo/secret handshake representing Adland (By the adgrunts - for the dang adgrunts!).

That's right - It could be a banner, a symbol, an ad, or anything you think is valid (explain why you think it is valid) that communicates Adland - the advertising "gossip" site made by you.
Seems people haven't quite grasped the concept of the site yet - so a way of communicating how it works would serve us all in the end. You share your work, your news, your opinions.
Also, any way of executing your idea, logo, banner, written explanation, pr-party (haha) is valid, so that the copywriters have a chance to win too. ;-)
If you want to send over any images (which I will display here at Adland with credit to you as you see fit, of course) send them to "adgrunt - AT -" (spam-defied due to overwhelming amounts of spam) and make them web safe (.gif's or jpg's, like.. or flash if you know how to do that sort of thing). If you know how to express your idea with words - press that comment button on the right and get to it! Thats right - no holds barred, no sizes or formats specified, no media specified. Problem to solve: Communicate "adland by the adgrunts for the adgrunts".
Go to it kids, let loose, play, go crazy, and may the best solution win a pristine fresh off the presses copy of Gill's or Vaske's books.
Deadline: December 1st - so you'll get your book b4 Xmas. ;) (I'll send it off express mail, white powder not included.) Third and fourth runner ups get a silly booby-prize suprise. They're very related to "simple ideas often work best" thought ... ;)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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