Apoteket - Barnförkylningsakuten - (2007) :30 (Sweden)

The title of this ad is: "Child cold emergency", and it's for a chain of pharmacies.

The song sung has lyrics like:
"Listen to an echo"
"Funny sound"

The lyrics may not make sense but kids love the callback. Beautifully done.

Ad Agency: Forsman & Bodenfors
Art Director: John Bergdahl
Copywriter: Anna Qvennerstedt, Johan Olivero
Director: Tomas Jonsgården
Production house: Flodell Film

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I don't know how to rate this one, at first I thought it was cute - but now that my daughter fancies it so much she's watched it on a loop 300 times a day I break out in hives when I hear it.

tod.brody's picture

I love this spot. As a matter of fact I was wrong when I said that the SEB Forever Young commercial was what first brought me to Adland. It was this one. And I think I sat and watched it over and over too. Not 300 times a day, but close. :-)

Andreas-Udd's picture

I thought that the children were singing something in French the first 200 viewings.

tod.brody's picture

This ad just makes me feel good every time I watch it. My kids love it too, and they're way older than Dabitch's daughter. :-)

Dabitch's picture

My daughter sings this song almost every day which is a testament to how sticky it is.

Imanaddy's picture

What the hell is this advertising?

Dabitch's picture

Oh, good point, it slipped my mind that you might not understand the title "barnförkylningsakuten" translates to "child cold emergency [help]" and it's advertising the state pharmacy chain.

Imanaddy's picture

Now it makes perfect sense. Good ad.