Bubbles "Lion destruction" (2016) 1:48 (Germany)

During the advertising festival in Cannes, the German production company Bubbles Film will allow people to get a tattoo with ink made from a real Cannes Lion. And here's the teaser video for that stunt. The production company has taken its only own statue from the festival and turned it into tattoo ink, which will be used to give the visitors at the festival a tattoo in the shape of a lion. Therefore the lion has been sawed up, melted down and pulverized. The tattoos will be made inside the production companies „Award Ink Studio“ in front of the Carlton Hotel. In Cannes, the lions are the most valuable and sought after items. Everyone wants to go home with one, but only a few get the chance to do so. We’ve got one, so we thought, why not share it with the world? – explains Bubbles Film Berlin CEO, Barbara Kranz. The "Award ink Studio“ will be in Cannes from Wednesday, June 22nd and will be located directly on the Croisette in front of the Ritz Carlton Hotel. If you're in Cannes, check it out! If you're not, then follow the advent on Bubbles' website.

Agency/Production: Bubbles

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