Who are the faceless people? Anonymous car salesmen, that's who.

Who are the faceless people? Or rather, what on earth are they advertising? Spotted at Henley, at Wimbledon and at the start of Harrods summer sale. Might it be an ad stunt for cars? No I don't see the connection either - but whois says that https://www.facelesspeople.com/ is owned by Group Lotus Plc, Norwich, Norfolk United Kingdom. That's Group Lotus cars. Wonder what "True Character" will be revealed in 19 days. That car better be good looking as hell after a stunt like that, ya'll.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Neo's picture

wtf? I fail to see how that will sell cars, but I DO want one of them masks. I'm going as a faceless person on Halloween.

Neo's picture

Side note, it appears that I have angered the spam-trap-widget. Please fix for me dab.

Dabitch's picture

Fixed for ya. How odd, I see no reason for that comment to be marked as spam but the spamtrap 'learns' and we've had so much spam recently (that y'all never see) so perhaps it's just gotten a bit too strict. I'll tell it to ease up a little. ;)

Neo's picture

Here they are at Harrods. Looking creepy. I wonder what Kim thought of those guys.

Dabitch's picture

CREEPY. I don't get it. If this is indeed a ploy to launch "Project Eagle" (a car already quite hyped but yet to be revealed) what's the faceless droid thing really mean? You're personality-less until you buy an expensive car?

purplesimon's picture

I think it's more dodgy than that. It's the car you've not see, therefore you've not seen it's face.

I could well be wrong. And, as has been mentioned already, I want one of those masks too. That'll freak out the gangs in my neighbourhood.

purplesimon's picture

Nope, it's just slightly different; you've not seen it's true character (so says the site) and the true character of someone is shown in their face.

I don't think so, I reckon someone's true character comes from their actions.

Anyway, I want the mask. :)

Dabitch's picture

Yeah, me too actually. :) Also, so far I've only gotten to see this little bit from Project Eagle.

purplesimon's picture

Darn it, I commented too many times in a row, or in quick succession, so now I'm spam.


I post and then the other comment appears! Dab, thanks for being superhuman on the repost! Or is my computer lagging?

Dabitch's picture

I jumped in and fixed the one marked as spam. Sorry. The anti-spam-widget is now on a time-out for misbehaving.

Dabitch's picture

They're getting a lot of press attention. Here are some more linkies to faceless people theories:

Lotus' faceless ad campaign
Faceless people hit London, may sell cars
Faceless Spectators At Wimbledon Making Spectators With Faces Uncomfortable

Some have suggested that it's "anonymous" (the anti-scientology folks) or Dr Who as well. Check the source of facelesspeople.com and you'll find "new SWFObject("swf/main.swf", "Project Eagle"" about half way down.

Neo's picture

Countdown now says seventeen days left. CAN'T WAIT! And the car? Oh I think it'll be awesome judging purely on this sneak-peek.

Dabitch's picture

aaaah, well that might be a sexy car. Even if it currently is a faceless car. ;P

Robblink's picture

I first time I saw the faceless effect was on Doctor Who. The episode was called The Idiot's Lantern.

Dabitch's picture

A few more videos of the faceless people.

Henley regatta - faceless people out in a boat.

At the Harrods opening again;

RLDavies's picture

I agree, I want a mask! They might make more profit selling the masks than the cars.

Neaner's picture

Faceless people wearing suits and ties? Add a fedora and it could have been The Question - or The Blank from Dick Tracy.

arrella's picture

Why did this win in Cannes?