Cross-dresser too much for the Finns and the Lebanese.

Drag show artist Richard Engfors modeling bikinis

Panos swimwear catalog used Sweden's popular drag show artist Richard Engfors as their swimsuit model.

The collections concept is Unlimited Love, inside the swimwear there's a poem written by the designer, it refers to Sappho, one of the earliest writers about female homosexuality, and Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

This bold move got plenty of press attention, the newspaper aftonbladet reported that the catalog has been rejected in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia, and now even Finland.

The catalog was sent out to 17 out of 25 target countries but has now been recalled. Panos has chosen to reshoot with the Greek athlete Aleka instead.

From Aftonbladet's quick chat with the Panos Emporium's founder and Creative Director, Panos Papadopoulos.:

- "Rickard didn't want to join at first. But then I sent him 2-3 swimsuits and some bikinis and then he changed his mind."

Now the images are about to be stopped in both Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.

- "Today I have received reports that the images may probably be banned. I feel shaken. My thought was never to create any conflicts", says Papadopoulos.

Aftonbladet: What was the idea?

- I wanted to make a collection that is emotionally revolutionary - not in a political way. Now I risk being boycotted in the Middle East. It's not fun - but I have to take responsibility for what I've done.

Why did you choose a guy as a bikini model?

- This is a collection based on love. In ancient Greece, it was said that love is a feeling. I just followed my feelings.

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NoCloset's picture

Excellent new twist on the old boring Bikini-babe catalog - shame they had to retract it. (all puns intended).

caffeinegoddess's picture

I agree. I don't think it's offensive at all. Would these same countries freak if it was a woman in men's clothing? Doubt it.

Dabitch's picture

Saudi might - though I seriously doubt any bikini-catalogs make it past the customs there.

adlib's picture

That's brilliant. He really pulls it off well too. RuPaul has got nothing on this guy.

Neo's picture

While this guy really does do the dragqueen thing on a whole 'nother level - you can still tell it is a man. I think it's quite a crazy twist, better than any regular boring supermodel... Who exactly is offended? Anyone here? If so would you mind explaining why?

NoCloset's picture

I'm not offended, I thought it was clever. Considering how unattainable the skinny model physique is for the average woman past 18 I thought women might find the idea amusing as well. It's a clever comment on so many levels.

Get out of the closet. It's dark in there.