#Karen26 - Karen in Denmark seeking August's father - (2009) (Denmark)

"Danish mother seeking" - this is Karen a.k.a Karen26 - the fictional carachter dreamed up by Grey, Denmark for their client the "Visit Denmark" tourist board. There is no father for August. See Danish Mother seeking is actually Ditte Arnth for details. VisitDenmark has now decided to remove the video off youtube.

The VisitDenmark tourist org called this idea "story telling on youtube in H.C Andersens spririt". If so, where is the moral of the story? H.C. Andersen always had one. They also defended their idea in Politiken where Dorte Kiilerich of VisitDenmark is quotes as saying:

Karens story shows that Denmark is a free place with space for you to be who you want. The film is good exposure for Danish self sufficient and dignified women.

I'm not sure where she gets her weed, as she seems to be missing a piece of the puzzle here. When Politiken quizzed her further Why have you chosen to market Denmark as a country with drunk women who have unprotected sex with random tourists? Dorte Responds:

That is not a story that I recognize. We're telling a nice and sweet story about a modern responsible woman, that lives in a free society and takes responsibility for her choices. And she uses a modern and social media.

In a free society where condoms are cheap, the pill is subsidized, the 72-hour pill (which can stop a pregnancy before it happens) is given out for free and abortions are legal, while there has been a killer STD on the loose around the world since the early 80's this woman does in fact not seem very responsible at all to me. Honestly now. PS guys, keep your swimmers in a condom it's the only way you'll ever be able to prevent breaking out in a cold sweat the next time a video like this comes along.

The youtube comments weren't pretty:

"its amazing to see all the foreigners who have lived in denmark for a long time (decade or more) come out and slam Denmark. I lived there for a decade too, and was disgusted by the petty racism and xenophobia. Not to mention shallow women who will fuck you but not even hold a civil conversation."

Yeah, that'll bring in the tourists.

Thus Dorte at VisitDenmark has decided to remove the video off youtube (good luck with putting the toothpaste back in the tube, dear). She adds

I am very sorry that the film has offended many people, that wasn't our intention at all. The goal has been to create positive recall of Denmark and create conversations about Denmark. To prevent offending people any further we have removed the film from youtube.

Good first step - the next one should be to fire the cocky ad agency that bought you the kind of press only Jyllandsposten's Mohammed drawings has outdone. You've been "Kenya missioned" - as this backfired much like the Just For Feet ad that Saatchi did and we named that blunder the worst super bowl ad of all time. Don't continue to pay for bad advice. Bark Copenhagen does good work, maybe give them a ring instead.

Ad Agency: Grey
Client: Visit Denmark
Principal talent: Ditte Arnth

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Bryan Sharp's picture

Isn't this video a deterrent for guys who want to travel to Denmark and have casual sex? The caption should read

"Denmark: Sleep with whomever you want but be prepared for a depressing youtube video that introduces you to the child you never knew you had."

Your comments are spot-on about the "modern responsible" woman, Dabitch. My favorite part of their attempted spin for the video is "and she uses a modern and social media."

Condoms are so 1999! Can you post videos of dancing cats with a condom?!?! And the last time I checked, you can't watch free music videos on a diaphragm.