Miradent oral - Dental floss - print, Germany

Click on the image to see the whole file - here's another double page spread that uses the gutter creativly, from Philipp und Keuntje GmbH, Hamburg.

Published/Released: 06/2008
Short rationale: This was an unusual idea for a print ad for Miradent, a manufacturer of dental products. The idea was to remind readers that Miradent dental floss can fit into the narrowest gaps, which we achieved by creating a double-page advert with minimal graphics and with a white book mark. Readers instantly recognised that the image showed two teeth with a piece of dental floss in between.

Advertised brand: Miradent oral care system
Advert title: Dental floss
Advertising Agency: Philipp und Keuntje GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
Agency website: philippundkeuntje.de
Creative Director: Diether Kerner, Oliver Ramm
Art Director: Sönke Schmidt
Copywriter: Daniel Hofmann
Account: Tanja Heier, Sandra Vetter

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