Behold, the advertising recycler

Not quite as funny as the make-believe ad agency "plank" (ripoff) which would hypothetically scan old award books and re-sell award-winning work, Thought Equity is a place for re-selling commercial ideas that were created for - and turned down - by a previous client.

The DenverPost has more.

The difference between Thought Equity's catalog of ads from typical stock footage and image companies is that Thought Equity sells an entire commercial, not just clips or pictures. In fact the already managed to sell an ad which was originally turned down by the Atlanta Ballet.

Kung Fu opens with two guys slouched in front of the TV. A commercial comes on and they're up and doing their own Jackie Chan riff, in slow motion, complete with sound effects. It ends when one guy leaps over the other, lands on the coffee table, which crashes to the floor.

"Too much free time?" says the voiceover. "Go see the ballet."

The new version: "Everyone has skills. Some earn money. Enroll at WyoTech."

Some of you might remember the "AdMine", which was a similar idea. Thought Equity owns that domain, and the content they had.

cheers caffeinegoddess for the link.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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