Brut - Weather / The Essence of man - (2012) :30 (USA)

No spontaneous pregnancies (and possible bestiality ?) as in the Brut - Late / The Essence of man commercial, instead the application of Brut here controls the weather. And whether the weather girl wears a bikini on air. Raarw. Wait, what?

Advertising Agency: Sigma Group, USA
President: Shannon Morris
Creative Directors: Tim Stapleton, Nik Nikolov
Copywriter: Tim Stapleton
Art Director: Sabrina De Simone
Sr. Account Supervisor: Meghan Howell
Producer: Genevieve Gigi
Production Company: Directorz
Executive Producer: John Gilliland
Director: David Wild
DP: Joe Zizzo
Editorial / VFX Production: IceVFX
EP: Benoit Drouin
Editor: Yvann Thibodeau

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