Did you get that memo? New KFC Web site brings adventure to a cubicle near you!

Sick of taking the boss' orders? Think it's time you had the power to make some real decisions? Be defiant! Throw caution to the wind! Rip the covers off of your TPS reports and surf over to chooseyoursauce.com! From the safety of your cubicle, you can navigate through the precarious world of office politics on a whirlwind adventure that might find you battling ninjas, uncovering hidden time capsules or engaging in a dangerous non-denominational holiday decoration battle!

The adventure begins at KFC's Flavor Station, where Honey BBQ, Fiery Buffalo and Sweet and Spicy aren't just flavors anymore. Your choice says more about you than just what you're hungry for – it's a reflection of your personality and may alter the very fabric of your workday! Your best friend Marty is by your side the whole time as you try to win back your childhood love, Lorraine, avoid being fired by Mr. Wadowitz and torment Henry, the office suck-up.

So, what'll it be – Honey BBQ, The Solid Choice; Fiery Buffalo, The Daring Choice; or Sweet and Spicy, The Wild Card Choice? Remember, you're in charge at KFC's Flavor Station, so choose wisely. Afraid you might crack under the pressure? Enter the sweepstakes at chooseyoursauce.com and you could be the recipient of a year's worth of KFC meals… you'll never have to choose a favorite and you'll have the perfect lunch escape if you ever get a case of the Mondays.

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