EA Sports "Rumble" (2013) (USA)

Because for some reason the whole world still likes Tiger Woods, despite his philandering ways, so he and and Arnold Palmer face off with a team of thugs who attempt to steal their PGA trophies. Surprise, there's another badass in town who joins them unleashing an impressive can of I can-do-the-splits-whoop-ass. Wow, for a moment there I almost thought that golf-games were exciting.

EA Sports Tiger Woods PGA Tour "Rumble":

Agency: Heat SF
Vera Kacurova - VP, Executive Producer
Brian Coate - Executive Producer
John Elder - President
Steve Stone - Executive Creative Director
Warren Cockrel - Creative Director
Richard Fischer- Art Director
James King - Copywriter

Production Company: Biscuit Filmworks
Aaron Stoller - Director
Shawn Lacy - Managing Director
Holly Vega - Executive Producer
Mala Vasan - Producer
Chris Soos - DP
Lester Cohen - Production Designer

Editorial Company: Hutch & Co LA
Jim Hutchins - Editor
Jane Hutchins - Managing Director

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