NHL - No Words - (2010) :30 (USA)

Wanna see what renders grown strong men utterly speechless?

Agency: Young & Rubicam NY

Product Name: NHL

Name of Execution: “No Words”

Tagline: There are no words.
Chief Creative Officers: Ian Reichenthal, Scott Vitrone
Creative Director: Cliff Skeete
Associate Creative Director: Bruce Jacobson
Art Director: Jan Jaworski
Copywriter: Evan Benedetto
Producer: Stacy Kay
Account Executives: David Ritter, Justin Finn
Editing House: Cosmo Street
Editor: Steve Bell
Producer: Stacey Piculell
Music House: Future Perfect
Composer: Victor Magro
Producer: John Connolly
Audio Mix: Sonic Union
Mixer: Steve Rosen

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