Mark Walsh on the advertising show.

Do you know who Mark Walsh is? A former America Online executive he's now the CEO of progress Media who are launching a liberal network. They've already signed Al Franken for a show that is slated to run from noon to 3 p.m. weekdays, going head-to-head with radio commentator Rush Limbaugh. Mark says: "the goal is to entertain, laugh and learn." He wants the liberal airwaves to be funny and informative again - and on Saturday you can hear him chat about it live on The Advertising Show. Wherever you are you can listen in online with your windows media player, or catch up on the archived shows you might have missed.

Oh and after him, I'll be on the show. You can start your office pool on
betting what accent I have or how to really pronounce my name now, although I won't guarantee that the bet will be settled by the end of the show. ;)

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