Robin of Shoreditch want to create for the rich, and bill for the poor (in Haiti)

Creating for the rich (in brand value), as they give their creative skills away for the benefit of the poor is Robin of Shoreditch's new twist on an old idea. Using the free services around the web they've glued together, which uses justgiving to keep track of funds raised, Vimeo to keep track of ideas generated, and daytum to generate the graphs clients like.

Now all they really need is some kneecap-crushers to make the clients pay up for the ideas they're getting (unsolicited) from Robin of Shoreditch.

We’re Robin of Shoreditch, an anonymous group of creative outlaws looking to take from the rich and give to the poor. In this particular instance, the people of Haiti.
How? Well, we’re not rescue workers. And we’d be no good on a celebrity single. But what we can do is provide creative ideas that can add value to businesses and brands. So we’re providing every one of Brand Z’s Top 100 brands with just such a creative idea. In return, all we’re asking for is 1/10,000,000 (that’s one ten-millionth) of the value of those brands as a fee. Not for us. 100% of that fee will be going to the continued relief efforts in Haiti.

Robin of Shoreditch

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