Water& - "The worst job in the world" - (2009) 1:18 (Israel)

Twenty Three in Israel have a twisted sense of humor - when they create a game for consumers to win money, they make it a very difficult game to win. Would be really funny if one of Benjamin Netanyahu's bodyguards got him a bottle to help bibi. (Nice touch with the cheerleading Obama & Osama in there.)

Water& is a mineral water brand that help relax, energize and re-charge. So we thought that the person that needs it the most is the one with the worst job in: our Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The idea is simple: the first one that will hand him over a bottle of Water& will be awarded with 2500$
the catch: our PM is on of the most secured personnel in this planet :)

"The worst job in the world"
Ad agency: Twenty Three www.twentythree.co.il

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