Bacardi Rum - Bacardi & Cola - Teaser (2003) - 0:30 (USA)

Bacardi takes a stab at the retro-cheese genre, and it looks like it's gonna get interesting.

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Dabitch's picture

Man, thats sooo cheesy. :))

AnonymousCoward's picture

I was wondering when this one would pop up

This will end up in the LoveIT or Hate IT catalog

AnonymousCoward's picture

I will make my judgement after the next episode...
At least you have a good idea what I'll be for Holloween this year.

Dabitch's picture

yeah, actually I'm wavering right betweeen loveit or hateit now - so, for halloween, you're going as a Bacardi&Cola can? ;))

AnonymousCoward's picture

U sooo funni, I fuhgot to raff...


Neaner's picture

count me in as one of those in the "hate it" camp.

And for halloween, I'm going as one of them bikini babes, though I hear waxing hurts......

AnonymousCoward's picture

I'm definitely going as the Bacardi dude...already got the slacks from Goodwill...looking for the wig, cheezy mustache, members only jacket and the shirt now...