WIN the new edition of Luke Sullivans Hey Whipple! OR a signed Charmins package.

Way back in the year 2000 you could win a signed copy of the Luke Sullivan book just by the effort of signing up. HaHaSoup won that book (and I bet he still has it, don't you HahaSoup?). Well, here's your chance again - since Luke Sullivan has come out with another edition of his widely popular "Hey Whipple, Squeeze This" book which includes new chapters addressing the galloping development of the web and the myriad of new media areas, we thought we'd throw another competition. Rules inside.

Since Mr Whipple has retired to the big ad agency in the sky - What should Luke name his next book? The two funniest title gets a free signed copy of his latest printing - and better yet the runner ups get .... wait for it.. signed Charmins. Hehehe. *

What do we mean? Ok, here's some examples using "hey" + commercial mascot + action. The nuttier, the better. If it sounds like a fierce insult, extra points! Hey, Tony the Tiger, Sell Gullible Kids This Sugary Diabetic-Causing Food Hey, Geico Cavemen, Step On The Geico Gecko Hey, energizer bunny, stop! Now, we're just looking for funny - so whatever makes the crew and everyone else here laugh the most (and Luke gets a say as well) wins. That's it. Go for it in the comments kids. No comment = no chance in hell of winning anything. Good luck. You have until Tuesday April 15 to get this out of your systems. For people who can't write and be funny we suggest getting the book at Amazon at once. :)

* prize clarification. The two best submissions = winner 1 and 2 get signed Luke Sullivan book. 3rd best gets a signed package of Charmins. For real. Luke will snailmail you the prizes, so I'll contact the winners and ask for their address.

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